What Customers Say About BluShield
The Most Effective Solution to EMF on the Planet Today
“Quite simply BluShield is the most effective solution to EMF on the planet today, I not only use the BluShield myself, I also promote them in my clinic. These words sum up BluShield ... Safe, Simple, Effective and Affordable! Nowhere can you get such an effective product for so little these days and it really works! I recommend you start using BluShield today! It’s an investment in your future health!”
Approved by Dr Ed Harris
Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine
(Dr. Hom. M)
Tauranga, New Zealand
The Body Ignores Stressful EMR
“It appears that the body is responding to the BluShield allowing the body to ignore more stressful environmental frequencies emitted from electrical devices, including mobile phones.”
Dr William J Rea
Texas, USA
Dr William J Rea is a former surgeon who determined that his allergic and neurological symptoms were caused by the EMF in the operating room. Dr Rea established the Environmental Health Center in Dallas where his patients were tested through exposure to a spectrum of EMF.
Extreme Life Threatening EHS Symptoms Disappear Immediately
“Since 1973 I have been very electro-sensitive following daily radiation treatment for three months.
Until recently I could control my environment from EMR, being vigilant where I lived - position of my house meter box, no fluorescent lighting, mobile phone, microwave oven, plasma TV, hairdryer and no air travel.
However about 4 years ago my life turned upside down with the installation of smart meters, Wi-Fi/WiMAX in businesses and homes. I became very ill trying to access public buildings and public transport. I tried various shielding methods without much success. The WiFi/WiMax now blanketing whole areas/towns and smart meters are making it even more difficult. So far, I have managed to resist the installation of a smart meter at the house I am staying in at present. The house also has high dirty electricity levels from neighbour’s devices.
My symptoms were nonstop 24/7 with no abatement as follows:
- intense head pain on crown
- dizziness
- seizures
- hair loss
- nocturnal nose bleeds
- total insomnia
- bladder spasms
- need to urinate every ½ hour around the clock
- bedwetting
- nausea and vomiting
- neuropathy
- hand tremors
- cold sweats
- pulsing thyroid gland
- heart arrhythmias
- blood pressure dangerously high
- skin itching and redness
- breast tumours reactivated and advancing
- nails growing in corkscrew formation
- agitation
All these symptoms vanished immediately having installed a BluShield Elite (now called BluShield Tesla Silver) house plug-in and portable device when leaving the property.
This BluShield technology is nothing short of miraculous in my experience and I can now sleep and go about my business and drive the car again. The results were instant and a real life saver.”
Catherine A Cherry
Australia, March 2015
Migraine Headaches Disappear
“We started using the BluShield Sensitive devices at home and Mum’s 3 day headaches ceased altogether. From months and months of headaches that actually made her throw up, to nothing within a few hours and she’s now been fine for several weeks since.
That is life changing for her and she is someone who has a very high tolerance for pain/discomfort.”
Via Fairdinkum Radio
EMF Effects Reduced, Improved Energy, Leg Cramps Disappear
“We just launched another shuttle tonight and I went through an evening of stress without ‘going down the tubes’. (I still have energy and am not tired). There is still some effect on me from the EMF in these areas but the improvement in the last two days is amazing. The first day I noticed that the leg cramps were mostly gone.”
D Watkins NASA, JPL, USA
No Longer Debilitated by EMF & Kids No Longer Affected Either
“Thank you so much for sending me the BluShield Tesla Gold plug in and portable. Remarkably, I am no longer debilitated by EMF!
For most of my life I have avoided computers, phones, fluorescent lighting, long car journeys and shopping centres as much as possible. Such EMF exposure made me nauseous, dizzy, anxious, and after being on my mobile I’d experience an itchy rash down the arm holding the phone. After the smart metres were installed I also started experiencing insomnia for the first time in my life, feeling extreme anxiety before bed after watching TV, worsened if my husband was also on his iPhone.
Luckily my Dad read your book and bought me a Gold plug in and portable unit to try. At first I found it even more difficult to sleep so I tried the Silver units designed for people hypersensitive to EMF. After a couple of weeks I no longer felt anxiety, I could sleep well again and take me time shopping and driving. But, I still reacted to my iPhone.
After another month getting my body used to the Silver units, I swapped them for Gold and can now use my iPhone without any nasty side effects!!
I suspected my children were also EHS and have noticed since using the BluShield Tesla products, my girls sleep better and no longer throw tantrums in shopping centres or during long car journeys!
Again, thank you for spreading the word on these amazing inventions!!”
Paula Kuzmicki
Melbourne, Australia
April 2015
Improved Sleep, Painful Sensations Disappear
“I live in a building with a cell phone tower on the roof. I was unable to sleep because of this. It was like a fatigue was overtaking my entire body. Once I received the BluShield Elite portable and plug in, I immediately implemented them. Now I am feeling much better and am able to sleep in my apartment for the first time in a week. I was able to sleep for more than five hours.
I also notice an instant difference if I step out of range of the portable when I am at work.
It’s like a storm of painful sensation has abated.
Many thanks for the great product and all your help.”
A Hayward
Saudi Arabia
Clearer Mind, Less Stress, Irritability and Snappiness
“I installed a BluShield in my office at the BOP Polytechnic, as my office is next door to several computer network servers with plenty of electrical fields. I was introduced to the BluShield as it was seen to reduce the stress associated with electrical fields, etc. I got one and plugged it in for two weeks. It seemed to make a difference but I wasn’t quite sure or convinced. To really test it, I unplugged it for a couple of weeks to see if there was any change. Over time, I started to feel snappier and more irritable. I also felt it was harder to focus on my work. After the two weeks were up, I re-installed it. It took a day or two, but my mind cleared and I no longer felt stressed out, and it has been good ever since! I’m not going to unplug it any time soon! I definitely recommend the BluShield!”
B Bullas
New Zealand
Headaches & Pains Disappear, Improved Sleep & Energy, Happier, etc
“I have the BluShield Elite ABS portable, here are the thing’s I’ve noticed in 6+ months of use:
- One thing’s for sure - I haven’t had one single headache since I bought it.
- And even though there are many reasons, this has been the happiest year for me that I can remember.
- I don’t have any random pains anymore. Nothing.
- I have a lot of energy and my mood is basically great all the time
- I can work on the computer as long as I care without getting pains and headaches
- My waking up process isn’t a total hell anymore. I can get up without tremendous effort.
- I don’t wake up at night at all from what I can tell – I sleep like a rock. I don’t snore. I don’t change position much at night.
- I can breathe very well, I don’t get exhausted from running like I used to.
- The only time I got very ill was just recently, autumn fever + sinusitis and yes, it was one of those very rare occasions I didn’t have BluShield with me at that time. Funny.
- I believe BluShield helped a lot when I was on antibiotics (it was my last choice, nothing else seemed to help, if even that) because of sinusitis.
Thank you for your amazing product.”
K Ojala
Helsinki, Finland
Less Stressed, More Relaxed/Calm, Less Headaches & Food Cravings, Greater Sense of Wellbeing
“I have a background in biology and have extensively studied the effects of EMF on health. I also experience negative symptoms when in wireless fields, including effects on energy levels, sleep disturbances, headaches and food cravings. I am quite sceptical about devices claiming to protect one from EMF. However, about a year ago I was living in a place that I couldn’t avoid exposure to wireless fields, so I gave the BluShield Portable a try. I noticed I felt less stressed, more relaxed and calm, with less headaches and food cravings. Overall, using the BluShield gives me a subtle but definite sense of greater well-being. I still reduce my exposure to EMF in my environment as much as possible, but I keep the BluShield Portable under my pillow at night and always keep it with me when I’m traveling. It’s become an essential health aid with the widespread proliferation of wireless technology.”
C.K., Ph.D. (Medical Sciences)
Asthma Disappears, More Energetic, Staff More Relaxed & Less Stressed
“Your BluShield works wonders. I come to know your products from my friend who is a club lifeguard. At first, I was sceptical, however I am now convinced. My wife suffered asthma for some twenty years, now she doesn’t need an inhaler at all. All symptoms related to asthma are now completely gone. Her doctor was surprised; we did not tell him it was due to BluShield, for fear of being ridiculed. I also feel more energetic, some days I was even able to lift weights at my gym club even when I had only slept for a few hours the previous night. My staff are feeling more relaxed and are not as stressed out as before. Thanks to your wonderful device. I have recommended BluShield to my uncle and aunty who are having health problems. I will definitely introduce others to your wonder product. The money I spent is well worth it, and the cost is very reasonable.”
Victor Tan
EHS, More Relaxed, Improved Concentration, Animals Like It
“I am electro hypersensitive and I have tried other portable devices and also stones but they didn’t work for me. With the BluShield I feel more relaxed and balanced and it improves my ability to concentrate.
What really fascinates me was the reaction of my horse and ponies when I first had the device on me. I put my horse in the meadow and was arranging her hey, but she kept a few meters distance and had this strange, investigating look in her eyes. Normally she starts to eat right away. Then she came towards me and put her nose to my pocket where I had the BluShield. She stood there for a few seconds before she started eating her hey. Then I put my two ponies in the meadow and they usually run away when I let them go, but they kept standing with me and also put their noses to my pocket. So clearly they feel the BluShield and find it pleasant. Horses are flight animals so if they don’t trust something their first instinct is to run away.
I recently also went to a family to measure EMF with my Gigahertz HF-meter. The woman I spoke with mentioned that their dog was less hostile to me than to other strangers. So I think that also must have been because I was carrying the BluShield.
The reason I noticed that the battery was flat was actually that I started to forget my BluShield and I even couldn’t find it last Sunday. I normally never forget it, which also is an indication for me that it works. Other devices that I had and stones I forgot to take with me all the time.”
Hélène Vercammen
Improved Office Environment
“My work in a professional video production involves me spending long periods surrounded by electrical appliances, computers and industrial VCR’s etc. In addition, my office is right next door to a cell phone transmitter tower. Last year I was becoming increasingly fatigued and was suffering from a loss of concentration while working. A business associate and friend suggested that electrical fields could be a factor and that a device called a “BluShield” may be worth trying. A BluShield was duly installed in my office. Ten minutes later I suddenly realised there had been a profound change in the atmosphere of the room. From a vaguely ‘prickly’ feeling the air conditioned room had somehow become fresher feeling.”
M Maunder
New Zealand
Improved Sleep & Dream Recollection
“I have had my first BluShield device since November 2014. From the very start of turning my BluShield on I experienced immediate, tangible results. I purchased it originally because I am sensitive to EMFs and had recently begun using the new iPhone 6plus, which puts out the highest level of EMF permissible by law for a phone. But the bonus benefit, to my surprise, was how the BluShield affected my husband’s sleep. After placing it by my bedside for one week, my husband who is a complete sceptic (and doesn’t believe EMFs affect us on any level) started to remark how well he had been sleeping through the night. This is a man who rarely sleeps more than 2 to 3 hours at a stretch, was now sleeping deeply for 6 hour stretches! I did not tell him I was using this device until the weekend I left my device with a friend, and he woke and said he had not slept well. And for me personally, I began to recall my dreams again after many years of not remembering! My sleep was now deep and resonant. That’s when I had to buy the second unit for my husband to use when I am out of town traveling with my own BluShield. I am a happy and grateful customer!”
Migraines Improved, Better Sleep, Kid’s Improved Focus, Music Enhanced
“My husband and I have migraines easily but ever since we received the BluShield Portable, the migraines come and go faster than expected. My mother-in-law had commented that the BluShield had made her sleep better throughout the night and my friend had also mentioned that even though he had only few hours of sleep, he still wakes up feeling better and not as lethargic as before. My friend’s sons are 2 hyperactive kids, but the teacher had commented that they seemed to have better focus during classes now. I put the portable near my toddler during her sleep and found out that perhaps it is too strong for her. So I changed to Hypashield and noticed she was able to sleep better throughout the night. She used to have some kind of breathing problem, now it has reduced a lot. We realised that all 3 models had the effect of boosting the sound effects and enhancing music of any kind. Especially when we play techno songs, the bass is much more enhanced and significant.”
C Adora
Helen’s Story - Excessive levels of EMF Cause EHS
“Newly married in 2002, my husband and I moved into an old Victorian home in Flemington. We lead a healthy lifestyle, we’re vegetarian, don’t drink or smoke, and my background includes studies in very alternative health fields, so it was puzzling to me when I began experiencing strange symptoms.
At first I couldn’t understand the constant fatigue I was experiencing but I put it down to wedding preparations and coming off shift work after 10 years. I would try and have a nap on a Saturday afternoon but would not fall into a deep sleep, rather a half-awake, half-asleep, dream-type state. In 2004, I began to study building biology although not to solve my problems because I had not yet twigged to the cause, which was ironic. After learning a little about EMF, a subject that I did not begin until late 2005 I kept the information in the back of my mind.
Little things happened along the way to point me in the right direction. For instance, I was experiencing electrostatic shocks fairly often and in late 2004 when I stayed in a country town motel my whole body felt like it was being zapped when I laid on the bed with the electric blanket turned on.
At some stage I realized that at my work I had two computers pointing at my back from less than a metre away, protected only by a thin partition. Only metres away a room was buzzing with a bank of about 60 portable radios on charge. By this time I was having funny, fuzzy headaches and I had never been one to get headaches. My constant fatigue led to erratic behaviour and mood swings, much to the dismay of my embattled husband who wondered where his calm, collected wife had gone.
During this time we were also keen to conceive. Medical tests revealed that this was a sure probability but it just wasn’t happening. We sought help through several natural fertility methods and bingo! But our joy was to be short lived when I miscarried at 10 weeks early in 2005. This was another legacy of high EMF levels, so I was to learn later.
In mid-2005 I began the electrobiology component of my course. My health, by this time was getting progressively worse. I was experiencing severe joint pain, tinnitus, heart palpitations and more. My mental coherence capabilities were spiralling down and I am sure I was difficult to be around. However the blessing of this component was the realisation of what was bringing on all these strange symptoms and weird behaviour. In the next few weeks all the pieces began to fit together: the fatigue, the mental instability, the joint pain, and on it went.
I had become so electrically sensitive that driving under the E-tag gantry on the Citylink (Melbourne, Australia) caused stabbing pains in my heart that would continue palpitating for up to five hours afterwards. The E-tag gantry device is run with microwave energy, similar to a mobile phone.
Having high EMF constantly running through my body had made me feel like everything was very tense inside my muscles and I would often awaken in the night feeling my body vibrating with the electricity.
EMF tends to have a scrambling effect on the mind and brain that can be very debilitating. It is hard to get others to understand what is happening to you within when you appear normal outwardly, even though you are having such difficulty trying to piece a sentence together that the mind will not bring forth even when you know the words and you cannot say them correctly either.
I am now running a business where I measure levels of EMF in homes and workplaces, and now use the BluShield Tesla Gold plug-in and portable for myself and provide them to my clients.”
Melbourne, Australia
Fatigue and Headaches a Thing of The Past
“Independent non-industry funded scientists are warning the world that over-exposure to EMF is the biggest public health crisis our planet and its inhabitants have ever faced. There are thousands of peer-reviewed, published scientific papers documenting the biological damage that EMF causes, including damage to DNA. I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on all kinds of EMF protection devices, none of which have eased my EMF symptoms. I used to experience fatigue, headaches and even impaired cognitive function when I was around WiFi or in places with high EMF. After an initial adjustment period of about 2 weeks as my body detoxed and off-loaded the accumulated EMF effects in this new BluShield environment, all my EMF symptoms have totally disappeared since using my BluShield plug in and portable devices! This technology really is revolutionary. It's a game changer because it actually works! Not only are EMF symptoms relieved but BluShield protects all living things at the cellular level from the biological damage that EMF causes. I can now go into areas of high EMF and not be affected at all. It's amazing! It truly works and I am personally feeling stronger, more energetic, more focused, aligned and much happier. I am so grateful to have found this technology and am so inspired by the personal benefits I have experienced by using BluShield that I am now spreading the word to as many people as possible. BluShield is THE solution to EMF. As a matter of urgency, I encourage you to protect yourself, your children and your loved ones from EMF with BluShield and tell everyone you know.”
Andrew Lytton-Hitchins
Sunshine Coast, QLD